Every Dose Matters…

Every Dose Matters…

…when treating patients in pain. Gensco’s M-Dose™ Metered Dose Technology provides the exact amount of medication delivered to the site of injury or disease. Gensco’s products are Non-narcotic, Non-addictive and Non NSAID. Chain Drug Review | April 2016  ...
Incremental Approach to Pain Relief Advocated

Incremental Approach to Pain Relief Advocated

May 18th, 2015 – As Seen In Chain Drug Review, Rx News: Chronic pain affects more than 100 million adults to the point where they are unable to work, manage their daily tasks and even participate in their relationships at home, says Robert Wilbur, director of...
LiDORx® Activation Study

LiDORx® Activation Study

Gensco Pharma Report Demonstrates a Faster Onset of Anesthesia with LiDORx® Gensco sponsored internal testing has demonstrated a greater degree of drug movement across synthetic human skin (in vitro diffusion cell tests), estimated at more than 3 times that of typical...
Got Pain?

Got Pain?

…Millions Suffer from Acute or Chronic Pain PainWEEK Journal | August 2014 Pain Practitioner | August 2014 Chain Drug Review | August 2014