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Gensco Global Launches Aureva®

“We have worked tirelessly to achieve the highest quality pharmaceuticals for years to improve the lives of all who take our products. There’s a tremendous amount of evidence-based nutrition studies that lead to health benefits to either prevent or treat disease with proper nutrition. Expanding Gensco into this space allows us to better serve our consumers to not only help treat existing conditions, but to also assist them in their full-body daily health regiments.”

– Dr. Paul Zimmerman | Chairman



Gensco Global: Because Gensco Cares…

Aureva Family of Formulas

Aureva® Infant Formula by Gensco Global

Infant Formula made to be a foundation for a happy and healthy childhood, fostering cherished moments that last a lifetime.

Click here to learn more about Aureva

In addition to our premium infant formula, Aureva® will soon be offering transitional foods and snacks to give parents more options as their little ones get bigger appetites, and need proper nutrition to grow into toddlers and beyond.